Monday, July 19, 2010

#10 Creative Commons

This information regarding the "fair use guidelines" is extremely eye-opening! In reflection of this information, I am more aware of my safety parameters. I can springboard into creativity as I stay cognizant of these protective warnings as to safety issues. It helps to know what the CC logo means on a website.
With use of Flickr, YouTube, Scribd, Thinkfree, , I need to consistently question myself as to: "how it is shared", "how it may be used", and "how to properly credit the author or creator". Creative Commons has given me tools to mark my creative work: I can use CC to change my copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved". Also, CC has provided many photos, books, songs, etc. that I may use. With this use, I can take some information and remake it to help my writing. If I acknowledge the authors, I have permission through CC to remix and share.
Wow! This is such a great support! My students' learning will be impacted by knowing about these cautions now. They will be aware of the parameters and then, will be able to devote more time to their creativity in the projects. My students will know about the info offered by CC that is protected and free.
As of this time I have not used digital images, audio, or video clips from the web in my teaching or professional practice. Because this part of Web 2.0 is so enhancing to any writing, I will make this available to my students as soon as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Creative Commons opens up a whole new world of creative expression for web users. It makes a way to respect others' work yet use them as allowed to enhance and enrich one's own products.
